Saturday 5 November 2016




Duck/water , Fire/Rain , Flower/Wind

Sentence 1
The duck is swimming in the water.

Sentence 2

Because of the heavy rain,the fire lasted for five weeks was put out finally.

Sentence 3

The flowers are blown away by the wind.

Life is like a door, some people afraid the door in the dark , some people are optimistic to the door of peace; some people was sad at the door of the wind and rain, some people are happy to stay free. In fact, a lot of things in life are not the best, as long as you think it is worthit's the best. Success and failure, happiness and unhappiness, in their own hearts are not the same definition. The key is how to grasp what you want, don't let it pass you, don't let yourself have too much regret. To keep a good state of mind, life will be a happy paradise.

exercise 1


                                                                                      Logical Focused Mind Map

                                                          Logical Mind Map

                                                          Associated Mind Map

assignment 1












    The human brain is an extremely complex network of nerves that are interconnected in a matrix. Each neuron in your brain is directly connected to many others, and it is thought that this matrix is how our brains store information and how it is able to perform complex computations.
In a sense the internet is similar in that it is a complex network of interconnected computing machines. Each computer is able to store and perform complex calculations.
The mind is a standout amongst the most complex systems on the planet, with a larger number of neurons than there are stars in the cosmic system. Its equipment is a mind boggling system of neurons; its product an unpredictable system of recollections. Thus too is the Internet a system. Its equipment is a mind boggling system of PCs; its product an unpredictable system of sites. There is a considerable measure we can gain from the mind and it can let us know where the Internet is going next.

     There's nothing supernatural in the mind (in any event that we've discovered up to this point), but then it conveys all our mental abilities, and enthusiastic ones too – that is an exceptionally fascinating thought. All things considered, pretty much as there is no specific explanation behind this protuberance inside our heads to acknowledge fine wines and music, cry, chuckle, reason, love, wander off in fantasy land, and try to more noteworthy things, there is no motivation behind why silicon or some other basic substance (perhaps carbon sometime in the future), couldn't be cajoled into making something comparable.

     Practically speaking, the Internet is clunkier, slower, and littler than the normal cerebrum however the key structure is generally the same. When I take a gander at Google and the other web indexes, I see more likeness to how recollections are put away and recovered in the brain than I do to the hidden PC design. When I take a gander at sites, I think pics and recollections, not hypertext.When I take a gander at Internet registering mists, I see the beginnings of a parallel handling machine that can go past savage counts, around the loopy arbitrary forecast force of the cerebrum. Be that as it may, as I watch out further into the future– as the electronic neurons multiply–I find in the internet a replication of natural development itself, similar to the transformative development of the mind of a creepy crawly, or a creature or even an individual.

     There are probably more dissimilarities between our brains and the internet than similarities though However Major Functions the brain are similar to the internet due to the way it functions using the paths to reach out to its required aim. The Internet too follows this type of path where it has to go through a serious of ways or paths to reach its conclusive aim.
In the end it all depends on us whether we believe the internet is like our human brain or not with respect to the way it functions,people can either agree or disagree judging on the fact of similarities and dissimilarities , however one thing is for certain, the brain and www(internet) will continue to play a vital role in leading the world towards enhancement and betterment through developing new creative ways of technology that shapes our present and future.


Random word stimulation is a powerful technique that provides a practical method of accessing your subconscious mind and utilize the wealth of information it contains to generate fresh new original ideas.

1) Machine: a contraption utilizing or applying mechanical power and having a few sections, each with a distinct capacity and together playing out a specific errand

2) Thinking: the way toward considering something consistently so as to frame a conclusion or judgment

3)taking in: the movement or procedure of picking up information or ability by concentrating on, working on, being instructed, or encountering something the action of somebody who learns

4)Social Media : Social media is essential for content marketing, building customer engagement, increasing leads, managing brand’s reputation, and growing awareness.

5)Advertising:-the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services.

6)Backup:An additional duplicate of web records, typically kept separate from the firsts. Fundamental for recuperation when unique documents are harmed or lost.

7)Sharing: Thanks to the Internet, sharing data is quick and consistent. On the off chance that you need to educate your 30 companions concerning your most recent advancement, you can do as such in a moment. You can utilize online networking destinations, for example, Facebook or an IM application. They will all get the news in the meantime. You can likewise share music, recordings and whatever other document.

8)Wikipedia: is a free reference book, composed cooperatively by the general population who utilize it through web.

9)PCs: One of the most vital components to enter the Internet.

10)Amusements: playing internet diversions.

11)Data: getting data from sites.

From the above pictures we see that the things we used to do with the brain can be done on internet World Wide Web (www)

Overview & juxtaposition:

    Brains are like computers, computers are like brains, you will often hear people comparing the most advanced bit of kit nature has produced with the best that mankind has managed so far. Sometimes the comparison gets personal and competitive. Do they work together in a brain like way? In short, is the World Wide Web becoming a kind of worldwide brain?
    The World Wide Web has been created by the human brain since 1989. Which means the brain is more creative and active in that time. Nowadays we can see how World Wide Web is more available in all our needs, we can get more information in short time as how brain work but in more creative and faster ways.
    Is to carry information from one computer to another, while the World Wide Web is a highly dynamic repository of human knowledge. Start to ask how exactly the brain controls the body, and it’s immediately clear that brains have internal functions that resemble those of both the world wide web, they carry information ( like world wide web) and they’re active repositories of knowledge (like world wide web).

    So the World Wide Web has some of the structure of a neural network. And in the end, all we can say that the Brain is Equal to the World Wide Web. WWW is one of the most important human inventions, which thanks to the human brain to create as an awesome idea as WWW.

Friday 4 November 2016













Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (referred to as LUCT, LKW or just Limkokwing) is a private international university with a presence across Africa, Europe and Asia. With its main campus in Malaysia, the university has over 30,000 students from more than 150 countries, studying in its 12 other campuses in Botswana, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Swaziland and the United Kingdom accredited by Accreditation Service for International Colleges and Universities (ASIC). Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Lim Kok Wing is the founder and president of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. 

I am Rawan Saloum, a current student of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. I am doing my Bachelor’s degree in Mobile Computing in the FICT faculty. Although Limkokwing, with no doubt, is one of the greatest universities I’ve ever been to or heard of, it still needs some tweaks here and there just to make it the perfect university. 

To begin with, my major concern with our university is the library resources. The academic resources that the university provides are pretty limited, whether be it books, magazines, journals, researches, or academic articles. We don’t get much access to all these academic resources although they’re extremely needed where when doing a research. Also the library in whole is not very well equipped to help the students, the labs have around twenty-five computers, which is very few in ratio with the student body. Correspondingly, the sockets in the library, most of them, do not work, which is quite inconvenient for a student who wants to work on his/her laptop. Anyhow, for the resources problem, I would suggest an online resource library that would give the students access to the resources anytime, anywhere. The student would log on with his student ID, this is to ensure that the information is only accessible by university students. Also my other suggestion would be to collaborate with other universities and publishing houses to get more access to information. 

The second way we can improve Limkokwing to help make it the perfect university is to provide more staff for the Print Shop located on the second floor of the plaza. The Print Shop is there to provide printing necessities for the students. But more often than not, you find only one person working there managing both binding and printing, that it would take hours to print out one assignment. My suggestion would be to hire students to work there. This way you could help some students find a suitable part-time job and also help the Print Shop become a better and faster print shop. Two birds, one stone!

Furthermore, let’s talk about the food in the university. Students have two choices to eat from, either Wings Café or Makan La. Wings Café is a bit too expensive considering it’s a students’ university café, especially if a student wants to have a meal from there. On the other hand, there’s Makan La, which isn’t very expensive but the food there, either takes a lot of time or just is really lacking “food” flavor. The food in Makan La can be improved by hiring cooks or chefs with somewhat of a prior cooking experience. Maybe also consider opening a fast food chain or Subway chain. There also should be constant checks on the kitchens to scrutinize cleanliness and quality. 

Transitioning into the management sector of the university, I think the university’s marketing department should be a bit more organized. Currently, the marketing department’s filing system is out of whack, there are constantly missing folders and student’s papers. This becomes a hassle to both the student and the employee. Instead, what they could do is create a database, with back up of course, to organize student files easily. As for the paper filing system, it should be organized all over again, segregated into categories to help with the organization process. 

Moving on, the computer labs in the university, not the ones in the library, are extremely old, with old operating systems running. This kind of causes a slow down when giving a lecture, because the computer is too outdated to work on some modern software. One problem we encountered is for a subject, we needed to use MAC computers to work but since the MACs were too old, we were unable to work with the programming language. I would suggest leaving the same computers, if they can’t be replaced, but only updating the operating systems on them. 

Speaking of computers, there’s a virus that infiltrated all the university’s computers two years ago, and until now the virus is still there. Every time you connect a storage device to any computer in the university, know that it will be polluted with the virus. This virus leads to hiding or deleting folders off the storage drive. I would suggest formatting all the university’s devices and along with that updating the operating systems. 

Let’s talk about the plaza for a moment. My main complain about the plaza is the music. The music being played is too annoying and sometimes too foul for a university vibe. There’s one constant playing being played with about ten to fifteen songs that are on repeat the whole day from 9 to 6. The songs tend to get very repetitive and disturbing sometimes. I think it would be much better if the music being played is according to the time of the day. For instance, jazz and blues in the morning, some classical rock in the afternoon, and along that note. 

My other idea to improve Limkokwing is to provide more parking space and also maybe separate them onto staff and students. Right now, to find a parking space it would take about fifteen minutes at least because of how crowded and limited the parking area is. Also, a lot of accidents occur while trying to navigate between the parking and leaving the parking. This fifteen minute search quest causes the students to be late for their classes and staff late for their work. 

Last but not least, our university offers a great idea called the Global Classroom. The course is compulsory on all students. Basically, it provides students an opportunity to travel and get experience in another country or city in Malaysia. However, right now only London Global Classroom is available. The dilemma is, a lot of students cannot afford the London Global Classroom as it’s quite pricey, but other than that, a lot of students, due to political reasons, cannot get a visa to England because of their passports. I think the university should try to provide the same course but in a more affordable and accessible countries, for example China, Indonesia, or Cambodia. 

All in all, Limkokwing is a great university as it is, providing the students to meet with people from all over the world. The university is a beautiful and fun learning environment, always keeping the students entertained with hosting events, getting the students busy with bazaars, etc. This university might as well be crowned as The Most Entertaining University.

Random Word Association

1) Programs- written by the institution or ministry of education which determines the learning progress of each subject in all the stages of formal education

2) Branches - physically at a distance from the original university or college area. This branch campus may be located in a different city, state, or country, and is often smaller than the main campus of an institution. The separate campuses may be under the same accreditation and share resources or they share administrations but maintain separate budgets, resources, and other governing bodies.

3) Facilities - something such as a building or large piece of equipment that is built for a specific purpose.

4) BICT - Bachelor of Computing Degrees in Software Engineering, Internet Technology, Mobile Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Computer Security, Biometrics and Computing.
5) Computer Labs - A computer lab is a space which provides computer services to a defined community. Computer labs are typically provided by libraries to the public, by academic institutions to students who attend the institution.

6) Skills - Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations
7) Action - an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity.

8) Commitment - an agreement or pledge to do something in the future, especially an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date.
9) Characteristic - a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify it.

10) Strategy - a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.


Leader and follower:

Some people are born to be a leader and some are destined to be a follower. A leader is a person who in charge of guiding the follower to the right path. But as follower, they also can contribute their own opinion or share their thought with the leader in order to help lightening the burden. There is no leader without follower and some people need a leader. Leader and follower need each other. If the leader and the follower really good at helping each other, they can be one strong team.

Male and female leader

Men and women have different kind of leadership strength and organization. It need to be balance in both part in term to be more effective. Compare to men , women leader is good at planning and managing activities. While men leader really good at strategic vision and commercial focus. I believe different people or gender got their own strategies on how to be a good leader for their team and also know how to accomplish their goals.

Boss and leader

Boss is an individual who in charge of the employee while leader is an individual who possesses the ability to inspires others to accomplish the goal. Boss can be a leader but not all boss can act like a true leader. Boss is person who give order to employees what to do and a leader is a person who guide and inspires their team. But in my opinion, boss and leader need each other because leader is closer to their team who do all the work instead of boss who only know people based on their position.


1) Newlands, M. (2015) 7 most required leadership skills for 2015. Available at:     (Accessed: 26 October 2016).

2) Limkokwing (2016) Campus facilities @ Limkokwing university of creative technology. Available     at: (Accessed: 26 October 2016).

Edutopia (2005) Big ideas for better schools: Ten ways to improve education. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2016).

4) Society, A. (2016) Top 10 ways to reform schools. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2016).

5) Leitch, J., Lancefield, D., Dawson, M. and PwCauthor (2016) 10 principles of strategic leadership. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2016).

6) Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2016).